BiM-VFI: Bidirectional Motion Fields-Guided Frame Interpolation for Video with Non-uniform Motions

1KAIST, 2Chung-Ang University

Interpolation Results


Existing Video Frame interpolation (VFI) models tend to suffer from time-to-location ambiguity when trained with video of non-uniform motions, such as accelerating, decelerating, and changing directions, which often yield blurred interpolated frames. In this paper, we propose (i) a novel motion description map, Bidirectional Motion field (BiM), to effectively describe non-uniform motions; (ii) a BiMguided Flow Net (BiMFN) with Content-Aware Upsampling Network (CAUN) for precise optical flow estimation; and (iii) Knowledge Distillation for VFI-centric Flow supervision (KDVCF) to supervise the motion estimation of VFI model with VFI-centric teacher flows. The proposed VFI is called a Bidirectional Motion field-guided VFI (BiMVFI) model. Extensive experiments show that our BiMVFI model significantly surpasses the recent state-of-the-art VFI methods by 26% and 45% improvements in LPIPS and STLPIPS respectively, yielding interpolated frames with much fewer blurs at arbitrary time instances.

Conceptual information of proposed BiM

Distinct motion description of proposed Bidirectional Motion field (BiM) for non-uniform motions.

Network Architecture

Conceptual information of proposed BiM



      title={BiM-VFI: directional Motion Field-Guided Frame Interpolation for Video with Non-uniform Motions},
      author={Wonyong Seo and Jihyong Oh and Munchurl Kim},